
Plum Lucky

Lucky is a 17.1 hand, 2000, Holsteiner mare, imported from Germany. She was trained and competed in the jumper ring initially, then dabbled in the hunter ring briefly but decided that wasn't her cup of tea. In 2013 she began retraining to compete in the dressage ring. Paetra and Lucky competed at 1st level in 2015 and received 5th Place for the USDF All-Breed Awards from the American Holsteiner Association. Nicknames: Princess, Lucky-loo, Mammasita.  



Chester is a 14.2 hand, 2003, Half-Arabian gelding.  Paetra rescued him in 2013 and spent the next few years fattening him up, figuring out what he knew, training and tracing his background to eventually learn his story. Chester made his showing debut in the spring of 2014 in the jumper ring, then began retraining for dressage in 2015 and stepped into the show ring locally in 2017 at Training Level. Nicknames: Dragon pony, Chester-fried, Frozen. 


Severn Storm Cloud

Scooter is a 12.2 hand, 2010, top-of-the-line Section A Welsh pony. He was originally purchased as a resale project, but quickly became too valuable to sell! He is great with children and was the star lesson pony for awhile. Now he teaches one little girl to ride, and started teaching her the ropes of showing locally in lead-line in 2017. Nicknames: Tuttles, Scoot, Ponykins.